
Antique Expo, Abbotsford, BC
The Antique Expo this year will bring together dealers from across Canada as well as fresh new faces, deluxe antiques & vintage bargains.
Admission: Adults $8 (Children under 12 FREE) Parking: $5
--AM 7:00
Heritage Monthly Antique Market, Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario
The Heritage Monthly Antique Market features dealers from across Ontario and Quebec. The range of items for sale and on display will include; Europena and American Art, Art Glass, Silver, and Pottery.
Admission: Adults $FREE Free Parking
AM 0:00--AM 6:00
The Old Book & Paper Show, Thornhill, Ontario
The Old Book and Paper Show has become better than ever.
Admission: Adults: $6 (children under 12 get in FREE)
Free Parking
AM 1:00--AM 7:00
Ottawa's 27th Vintage Clothing Sale, Ontario
The Vintage Clothing Sale will house men's and women's clothing from the 1900's to 1970's, accessories, antique jewellery, and collectibles.
Admission: $8