Fine Things Antique Show, Ottawa, Ontario
The Fine Things Antique Show in Ottawa is a great event to come and browse through many great antiques, while undercover and in the comfort of the Billings Bridge Plaza.
FREE Admission
Stratford Heritage Weekend, Stratford, Ontario
Throughout the three day event there will be many antique activities to take part in, from the Antiques fair, to a vintage car show
visit: www.welcometostratford.com/october
AM 1:00--AM 8:00
Grand Trunk Toy & Nostalgia Show & Sale, Winnipeg, Manitoba
The Grand Trunk Toy & Nostalgia Show and Sale will house over 200 tables of antiques and collectibles.
Admission: $5 Children under 12: FREE FREE Parking
AM 3:00--AM 9:00
Canadian Decoy and Outdoor Collectibles Association Annual Show & Auction, Oshawa, Ontario
The Canadian Decoy Annual Show and Auction will include decoys, fishing tackle, wildlife carvings, and outdoor collectibles.
Saturday is the Auction day commencing at 12pm, Sunday is the day for the show and it runs from 9am to 2pm. It will house 30 vendors, and an ID table.