
ACADIA VINTAGE RETRO & ANTIQUES SHOW May 26 & 27 2012 at the Acadia Recreation Complex 240 - 90TH Avenue SE Calgary AB T2J 6P6. On behalf of the show management and Canada’s leading Antique experts we welcome residents and visitors from across Calgary and surrounding areas to the 2nd annual Acadia Vintage Retro & Antiques Show which offers very easy access off McLeod Trail in South East Calgary with lots of free parking. The Show is open to the public on May 26 & 27 Saturday 9 am to 5 pm & Sunday 10 am to 4 pm. Antiquing…Treasure Hunting…Bargains galore all at the Acadia Vintage Retro & Antiques Show. Get your hands on the coolest stuff ever made. Weather worn furniture, vibrant folk art, delicious deco, silver accents & fine furniture too. I love modern. Maybe you do too. What I love most about modern is the way antiques make modern look even better. You don’t need to look far from any decorating magazine Style at Home or Martha Stewart, antiques are a part of almost every decorating scheme. Antiquing is all about using the best from the past – today. And not just for your home but for you too…Vintage fashion, retro handbags, haute couture accessories fun costume jewelry & glamorous fine jewelry. Top Dealers from across Canada offering very special inventory...Deluxe Antiques & Vintage Bargains.
They will bring their Best! Something for everyone. This is the Antique Show to attend. Adults $6.00 at the door
Children 13 & under FREE with an adult Admission
ATM • & Snack Bar • Wheelchair Accessible FREE PARKING
LOCATION Acadia Recreation Complex 240 - 90TH Avenue SE Calgary AB T2J 6P6 403 255 1252 Antiques Identification Clinic Find out more about your own heirloom. The Identification clinic will feature Peter Blundell, CPA, a fully accredited member of the Canadian Association of Personal Property Appraisers, author and lecturer on antiques. Fees: $12 per item. Show information Dennis 604 316 1933 or Lorne 403 816 9938 or email tammy@antiquesbydesign.com online at www.antiquesbydesignshows.com