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Week 3 Nov 2013
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Nov 11th

Nov 12th

Nov 13th

Nov 14th

 next AM 1:00--next AM 5:00
London Seniors Christmas Bazaar
 next AM 7:00--     
Toronto Toy Auction Sale
Nov 15th

      --PM 1:00
Toronto Toy Auction Sale
 next AM 0:00--next AM 7:30
Antiques Bazar of Chambly
Nov 16th

 next AM 2:00--next AM 7:00
21st Century Flea Market 21st Century Flea Market
 next AM 2:00--next AM 7:00
Tools of the Trades Show, Pickering
Nov 17th

APCal by AP

This event comes from Antiques Promotion Canada