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Week 1 May 2013
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Apr 29th

 next AM 0:00--     
Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
Apr 30th

Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
May 1st

Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
May 2nd

Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
May 3rd

      --next AM 8:00
Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
 next AM 0:00--next AM 6:00
Arms & Militaria Fair Arms & Militaria Fair
 next AM 1:00--next AM 7:00
The New Ottawa Doll Show and Sale.
May 4th

May 5th

APCal by AP

This event comes from Antiques Promotion Canada