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Week 5 Aug 2013
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Aug 26th

Aug 27th

Aug 28th

Aug 29th

Aug 30th

5th Annual Antique and Collectibles Sale of Enderby, BC
 PM 11:00--next AM 7:00
New Flea Market of Calgary, AB
 next AM 1:00--     
The St. George 26th Annual Fall Antique Show & Sale
 next AM 1:00--     
Kerrisdale Antiques Fair, Vancouver, BC Kerrisdale Antiques Fair, Vancouver, BC
Aug 31st

5th Annual Antique and Collectibles Sale of Enderby, BC
      --next AM 8:00
The St. George 26th Annual Fall Antique Show & Sale
      --next AM 8:00
Kerrisdale Antiques Fair, Vancouver, BC Kerrisdale Antiques Fair, Vancouver, BC
Sep 1st

5th Annual Antique and Collectibles Sale of Enderby, BC

APCal by AP

This event comes from Antiques Promotion Canada