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Week 3 Sep 2013
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Sep 9th

 next AM 0:00--     
Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
Sep 10th

Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
Sep 11th

Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
Sep 12th

Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
Sep 13th

      --next AM 8:00
Treasure Shelf Antiques Show and Sale, London, ON
Prince Edward County Fall Antique Show & Sale, Picton, Ontario
Sep 14th

Prince Edward County Fall Antique Show & Sale, Picton, Ontario
 next AM 0:00--next AM 3:00
Militaria Show & Sale, Burlingtion
Sep 15th

Prince Edward County Fall Antique Show & Sale, Picton, Ontario

APCal by AP

This event comes from Antiques Promotion Canada